Magnetic Beads – Purification Kits: AxyPrep™ (Axygen®)

Magnetic Beads – Purification Kits: AxyPrep™ (Axygen®)

AxyPrep™ Magnetic (MAG) Bead Purification Kits are free of major hazardous chemicals
The AxyPrep Magnetic (MAG) Bead Purification Kits utilize a unique paramagnetic bead-based chemistry for the purification and clean-up of nucleic acids for many genomics downstream applications such as DNA sequencing, genotyping, and gene expression.
AxyPrep MAG kits are high quality, and feature high yields, excellent sample concentration, and long sequencing reads
The comprehensive range includes the following kits:
  • Plant Genomic DNA Extraction Kit
  • PCR Clean-up Kit
  • PCR Normalizer Kit
  • DyeClean-up Kit
  • FragmentSelect-I Kit
  • Plasmid Kit
  • Tissue-Blood gDNA Kit.
Click on the link here to find out more information on the Magnetic Bead Separation Device (IMAG™)