T-Cells Expansion & Stimulation – Streptamer® (IBA Lifesciences)

T-Cells Expansion & Stimulation – Streptamer® (IBA Lifesciences)

Streptamer® for T Cell Expansion are novel reagents for polyclonal expansion of T cells
The Streptamer® kits for cell expansion are suited for the expansion of any CD3+ T cell. Isolate T cells from blood or buffy coat according to your protocol or pre-select specific T cells by using our Fab Streptamer® Isolation Kits MB.
  • Non-magnetic soluble protein complexes generated by multimerization of anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 Fab-Streps with a Strep-Tactin® multimer.
  • Completely reversible reagents, i.e. they can be removed from the cells by the addition of biotin.
  • With the Streptamer® for T cell expansion the stimulation of T cells can be stopped at any time. Simply add biotin to the medium. The stimulation state of the cells can thus be precisely controlled;
  • With the Streptamer® CD3/CD28 Kit for T cell expansion you can modify the CD3 : CD28 Fab-Strep ratio according to your needs, or you follow our recommendations;
  • With the Streptamer® CD3/CD28 premix for T cell expansion you can benefit from a quick protocol with ready-to-use reagents.
Peptides for T cell stimulation
Peptides are synthesized as single peptides as presented by the MHC class I allele.
  • peptides of 9-10 amino acids
  • purity > 80 %
  • endotoxin free.
Choose between following categories:
  • virus and tumor specific antigens
  • Listeria specific antigens
  • human and murine alleles.
Please contact us at Fisher Biotec or telephone 1800 066 077 for further information on these products.